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The beautiful stone cottages of the Cotswolds; the balconied Tudor buildings of Chester on the River Dee; the bookshops of London, especially on charing Cross Road; listening to legal cases from the gallery of the Old Bailey in London (sorry, no cameras, mobile 'phones or sharp objects allowed); the eccentric exhibits of the Sir John Soane museum in London; horse racing events such as the Grand National, Royal Ascot and the Epsom Derby; wildlife such as reintroduced wild boars in the Forest of Dean; Glastonbury Abbey, said to be on the Isle of Avalon where the dying King Arthur was taken; the restored tea clipper Cutty Sark in Greenwich, London; relaxing while boating on the Norfolk Broads; and the remains of the windswept farmhouse Top Withens, the inspiration for Wuthering Heights, on Haworth Moor, West Yorkshire, are among the sights of Britain.
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